A quick overview of the payroll process in Finn

It all starts with the timesheet

Time punches are used by Finn to track the start and end of work an employee so that attendance can be measured and late deductions or absences can be automatically calculated. Time punches get added to the timesheet (web-bundy clock) in one of the following ways:

  • The logs from your biometric device are exported and loaded into Finn.
  • Employees log onto Finn and use the real-time punch feature to capture their attendance.

Leave and Overtime Approvals

Employees can file for paid or unpaid leave via the timesheet. It will first check if they have an available balance and if so, it will add the leave code and send it for approval by their immediate supervisor.  

In the same way, employees can file for overtime and it will only get paid after approval. Finn even checks to make sure the overtime is valid, by comparing the overtime hours with attendance logs. 

Validation is easy

The Pay Period Summary is a powerful tool within Finn. Accessible by Supervisors, Payroll and HR, it provides a summary of attendance and is a convenient place for a supervisor to review and approve timesheets. 

The Pay Period Summary shows the planned work schedule, actual attendance, leave, overtime and system generated payroll codes. System generated codes are the instructions added to ensure items like night differential and holiday premiums get paid correctly.

Finn gets rid of so much manual work when running payroll

The payroll dashboard

One of the main reasons it can take just one day to run payroll for 1000 employees is the payroll dashboard. The payroll dashboard automates so many of the tasks that usually take a lot of time for payroll teams.

  • Finn automatically sends reminders to employees and supervisors, asking them to approve timesheets. It even sends notifications to management to escalate non-compliance related to approvals.
  • Finn reviews timesheets for you and summarizes any issues it finds. Payroll users are alerted to any issues that are likely to cause incorrect payroll runs and makes it easy to review and fix.

Automated payroll runs

Finn knows when payroll is due so it automatically runs payroll behind the scenes, so it’s ready when you need it.

All you need to do is download the payroll register and review.